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Humility Before God

Humility before God
David Rex Orgen Ministries
Humility Before God
Humility before God

Humility Before God

Learn Today About Humility Before God


James 4:6
“But He giveth more grace. Wherefore He saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble”.

Prayer Topics

Worship God and adore him, because he deserves the glory and adoration, pray and give him thanks for he is our King of kings and Lord of lords. He shows us mercy everyday of our lives. He is our defender and protector so thank him for his goodness in your life.

The word of God says that; if we humans say we have not sin before then we are deceiving ourselves and this shows that the truth is not in us. Pray and confess your sins to God and ask him for forgiveness. Let him have his own way and allow Him to make you pure from all your sinful ways so that He will give you whatever He has in store for you.

Pray and tell the Holy spirit to call you by name and speak to you so you can do the will of God from your heart.

Pray for the strength to embrace the sacrifices required in true discipleship of Christ and to prioritize God’s will over your personal desires. We all have personal desire but we are not called to serve our desires but to serve God’s will and purpose for us.

Pray for divine health for yourself and each of your family members. Pronounce divine health from the the crown of your head to the souls of your feet. Tell the lord that you desire that every member of your family will receive his divine health in their lives.

Pray that the lord should bless the work of your hand; pray that anything that you touch with your hands, the lord will bless it.

Pray that the lord will give you a destiny helper and a door keeper that will influence your life, and change it for good. Ask Him to connect you to your destiny helper to change your story.

Pray for the continent of Africa, that he will bless the entire land of Africa and reign in the land so that His purpose for the land will come to pass.

Pray for the homeless people on the streets that God will help and protect them from every danger. Also commit DRO ministry into the hands of God that He will always provide for the ministry that it will also have money to give to the needy and the homeless.

Pray for individual requests. Commit your need to the almighty God for he knows what you want and he alone can supply all your needs.

Points to Note

Humility is one of the essential virtues for our relationship with God. God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. It is grace and favour that leads us to receive divine blessings from God.

God resists the proud; Pride is a barrier between us and God. It causes us to rely on our own strength, wisdom and ability instead of recognizing that our dependence is on God. We have to realize that it is God who brings promotion. So if we want to receive something from God, we should learn to humble ourselves.

Without God, we are nobody but with God we are who we are by the grace of God. To avoid God’s resistance, we as believers must actively root out pride from our heart. We need to acknowledge that every blessing and success comes from above.

God gives grace to the humble. Humility opens door to God’s grace. Humility involves a deep sense of submission to God’s will and acknowledging our limitations. God’s grace empowers us to live a righteous life. It is by God’s grace that we walk closely with God.

Rev. Dr. David Rex Orgen is also Pastor of Hilltop United Methodist, Columbus OH
and CEO of Just In Time Transportation Services

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